Returns on lifecycles.
Which types of lifecycle models are there? And which returns match those?
Surviving dependants' pension.
Do you want to offer your loved ones financial security with a surviving dependants’ pension? Zwitserleven will make all the necessary arrangements for a partner's pension and/or orphan's pension.
RendementsCorrectie for i-Pensioen Surviving dependants' pension.
Your premium will be adjusted to the market interest rate. This is what we call RendementsCorrectie. The discount or surcharge on the premium applies for the entire term of your pension contract.
Uniform Benefit Statement (UBS).
Every year, you will receive a Uniform Benefit Statement (also called UBS). This is an annual overview of your pension benefits.
Variable pension
pensioeninkomen Zelf de verhouding bepalen tussen vast pensioen en beleggen Je pensioeninkomen blijft het hele ... voor 100% variabel. Mijn partner heeft een goed pensioen. Met dat van mij konden we dus wel wat risico
Purchasing a pension.
Do you know when you will be able to retire? When your pension capital is released, you will buy your pension. Calculate your retirement income here and close the deal.
Advice and Guidance Inspiration and Motivation Pensioen: een nieuw hoofdstuk PensionChecklist The Zwitserleven ... with stories and tips from happy retirees. Met pensioen gaan is echt een compleet nieuw hoofdstuk in je
Risk reduction in the lifecycle.
A lifecycle is a particular mix of different types of investment funds, such as equity funds and bond funds. We ensure that the investment risk of your asset mix is reduced as you approach your retirement date. This means that we change the mix of funds in order to reduce your investment risk.
Average pay scheme.
The average pay pension has benefits for both the employees and the employer. How does it work and what are the benefits? Read more about it here.
An IORP (dutch: PPI) is a particular type of company that administers pension schemes. What are the advantages and disadvantages of an IORP?