Can a self-employed person continue an old pension scheme?

Can a self-employed person continue an old pension scheme?

As a self-employed person who has accrued a Zwitserleven pension during employment, you are rightly wondering what you can do with your pension. After all, as a starting business owner, it makes sense to sort this out as soon as possible.

Can you continue an old Zwitserleven pension scheme as a self-employed person?

No, unfortunately you cannot. As a self-employed person, you do not participate in a pension scheme. That means that if you accrue no further pension, you will only receive a state pension (AOW) and the pension you have accrued with Zwitserleven and other employers thus far.

Value transfer

A value transfer of your pension is not possible if you are currently self-employed. You can also not pay the money you have accrued for your pension into a pension scheme that you are taking out yourself. However, a value transfer is possible if you become employed with an employer once more.