In your pension scheme, you accrue an income for later on. If you do this through a defined contribution scheme, you will receive a fixed or variable pension when your pension comes into payment.

You will only know how much your pension will be at that time. And that can create uncertainty. Zwitserleven offers two solutions for this: ZekerheidZwitch and PensioenZekerheid. Which of these solutions you have depends on your pension scheme and can be found in MijnZwitserleven.


Did you receive a letter from us or did you find in MijnZwitserleven that you can opt for the ZekerheidZwitch? On the next page you will find more information, and read about the pros and cons. 


Did you receive a letter from us or did you find in MijnZwitserleven that you can opt for PensioenZekerheid? On the next page you will find more information, and read about the pros and cons.