Investment risk reduction in HorizonBeleggen, DynamischBeleggen and ProfielBeleggen.

We invest the pension contributions for some of our clients through HorizonBeleggen, DynamischBeleggen or ProfielBeleggen. With these investment products, we invest on the basis of the ‘lifecycle model’. This means that we reduce the risks of your investment portfolio as your retirement age approaches. Your individual asset mix is adjusted annually. This way, we avoid any major reduction in your pension income purchasing capacity, in case investments perform poorly right before your standard retirement age.

The impact of the market interest rate on pensions and pension capital

The pension income you will receive depends on the interest rate when you retire. When interest rates are low, you will need more money to buy the same amount of pension than when rates are high. The Zwitserleven Medium Duration funds and Zwitserleven Long Duration funds reduce this risk as they increase in value when interest rates fall. This also works the other way round: when interest rates go up, these funds decrease in value. This does not necessarily mean that your pension income will also decrease. It is actually better protected against interest rate fluctuations

More about investment forms


If you want advice about your personal pension accrual, please contact an adviser.