Man met grijs haar staat bij een rode Alfa Romeo cabriolet. Hij staat in een graanveld, met op de achtergrond groene bomen.

Variable Pension.

  • Chance of a higher pension income
  • Choose the ratio of fixed pension to investment yourself
  • Each year, certainty about your pension income for that year

Chance of a higher pension

With Zwitserleven Variable Pension, you continue to invest your pension capital. Or part of it. Your pension income is re-established each year and may be higher or lower. As you would expect, the investments we make with your capital are very sustainable. Discuss with your financial adviser whether a variable pension would suit you and in what form.

Features of the Zwitserleven Variable Pension

Choose the ratio of fixed pension to investment yourself

You can choose how much of your pension capital you wish to continue to invest, depending on your personal situation. For the remainder, you will receive a fixed pension income. So you decide how much risk you can and wish to take.

Chance of a higher pension income

Because you will invest all or part of your pension capital, you have an opportunity to make a return and thus receive a higher pension income in the following year. This may also be lower, if things don’t go well. The more you invest, the more likely it will be that there are fluctuations in your pension income.

Each year, certainty about your pension income for that year

We reset the pension income from the portion that you invest each year based on the investment results in the previous year. This means you always know exactly what you will receive in pension income in the coming year.

Your options

You can adjust your pension income to suit your wishes and situation. For example, would you like to defer your pension until your state pension age? Or take a higher pension in the first few years? A brief explanation of the various options is given below.

When to retire

Maybe you are going to work longer and don't need the income yet. Or you would like to start receiving your pension income at the same time as your state pension. If you wish to stop working before your pension comes into payment, you can also bring your pension forward. If you wish to retire at a later date, your pension can be postponed. Make sure to communicate your choice before your pension capital is released.

Choosing your retirement date
  • AOW
  • Pension

Early retirement: higher investment risk

If you decide to have your pension come into payment earlier, your expected monthly pension income will be lower. And the investment risk will be greater.
You invest in a lifecycle. This means that your investment risk is reduced as your retirement date approaches. If you decide to take your pension earlier, your investment mix will not be adjusted accordingly. Your allocation across the investment funds in Horizon Beleggen and Profiel Beleggen is always based on the allocation according to your original standard retirement date. Your investment risk will not be reduced at a faster rate. So if you take your pension earlier, your investment risk will be higher than if you start receiving your pension income on your standard retirement date. You can check the allocation to the investment funds here.

Partner's pension, yes or no?

If you have a partner, you can choose to have your partner receive a lifelong pension when you pass away. Your partner can receive up to 70% of your pension. If you have no partner or your partner has their own income, you can decide not to purchase a partner’s pension and receive a higher pension income yourself. Your partner must, however, agree to this choice.

Partner's pension?
  • AOW
  • Pension

Your pension income

  • AOW
  • Pension

Pension income of your partner

Free disposal of up to 10% of the old-age pension

The Lump Sum Payment Act allows you to withdraw up to 10% of the old age pension as a lump sum on your retirement date. That sure sounds appealing. The big advantage of withdrawing a lump sum is the flexibility it gives you when you retire. After tax, you may spend this money as you see fit. You may want to renovate your home, repay some of that mortgage or go on your dream trip. Read more about lump sum withdrawal

A higher income at the start (fixed reduction)

With Zwitserleven Variable Pension and a higher pension income at the start, we already increase your pension income at the start by part of the expected return on investments. We set a percentage for this when your pension income comes into payment. This is also known as a fixed reduction. Thus, we take account of expected investment returns. This means that your pension income will decline each year if no or insufficient investment return is realised.

If your investment result meets our expectation, your pension will stay roughly the same for the year. If it is better than expected, your pension will be higher. If it is worse, your pension will be lower. The risk of a level or declining pension income is higher if you choose a higher pension income at the start.

You always need personal advice

Zwitserleven Variabel Pensioen means your pension income is specific to you. You may only arrange this pension with the help of a financial adviser. They can answer your questions and give you independent advice on a pension income that suits you.

US Person? Then choose Zwitserleven Vast Pensioen
Are you a tax resident in the United States (US)? Then you can unfortunately not opt for Zwitserleven Variabel Pensioen. You can, however, opt for Zwitserleven Vast Pensioen.

How it works

Making choices

You can make choices for your pension income in MijnZwitserleven from 6 months before your retirement date. We will contact you at that time.

Offer through an independent adviser

You will discuss your choices with your own adviser. They will complete a risk profile test with you to see if the desired pension meets your financial needs. Your adviser will then ask us to make an offer.

Your first pension income

If you have signed and returned the final offer before your retirement date, you will receive your first pension income from your Zwitserleven Variable Pension within one month of your retirement date.

Sustainable investment

Sustainable investment

Zwitserleven believes that the financial sector should take a leading role in increasing sustainability around the world. The Zwitserleven Variable Pension is a product that promotes the sustainability features 'ecological' and 'social'. 

Investment mix and funds

The investment mix of Zwitserleven Variable Pension includes the following funds:


All documents are in Dutch at the moment.