Do you have a defined-benefit pension scheme? In that case, the amount of your retirement income is already known, so you can be sure of this pension. You will automatically get this income, you don't have to buy this pension yourself. However, you can still make choices about your pension, depending on the provisions in your pension scheme. The most common choices are listed on this page. You can make these choices yourself, or call in the help of an adviser

On your Uniform Benefit Statement (UBO) you can see whether you have a defined benefit scheme. You will also find the amount of your retirement income here.

What does this mean for you?

Six months before your retirement date, you will receive a letter from us. This letter will tell you more about the amount and the commencement date of your pension. In addition to the letter, you will receive a personal details and payroll tax form. This form contains questions about your personal situation and about the bank account you want to use for your pension. The choices you make for your retirement income are also communicated via this form. As soon as we have received the form, we will take care of the further processing.

When you reach the retirement date, you will receive your old-age pension from us. Depending on the pension scheme, you will receive the payment on a monthly or quarterly basis. You can find this information in the pension commencement letter. Unfortunately, the frequency of payment (monthly or quarterly) cannot be changed, because this is specified in your employer's pension scheme rules.

How does it work?

Rendement Created with Sketch.

 You will receive a letter from us 6 months in advance with information about the amount and commencement date of your pension.


You have a number of choices with regard to your pension. This allows you to adapt your preferences to your personal situation.

Retirement income

You will receive your retirement income 3 weeks after the end date of the pension policy.

Which options are available to you?

You can adjust your retirement income to your personal situation. Depending on your pension scheme, you have certain options. You can confirm these choices on the form enclosed with the letter you received from us. We recommend that you let us advise you. Below you will find the most common choices.

Postpone or bring your pension forward

Maybe you want to postpone your retirement and work a little longer. Or you may want your pension payment to commence at the same time as your state pension. If you want to stop working before your state pension starts, you can bring your pension forward.  If you want to retire later, you can postpone your pension. Please ensure you make your choice using the form enclosed with the letter.

Choosing your retirement date
  • AOW
  • Pension

Exchanging the partner's pension

You can tailor the pension to your personal situation after the retirement date by exchanging pensions.

  • If a partner's pension has been accrued and no partner's pension is needed, the partner's pension can be exchanged for a higher old-age pension. In that case, your partner will receive less or no pension upon your death. Your partner must agree to this.
  • If no partner's pension has been accrued and a partner's pension will after all be needed upon your death, part of the old-age pension can be exchanged for a partner's pension. The partner's pension cannot exceed 70% of the old-age pension. You will receive a lower old-age pension when exchanging old-age pension for a partner's pension. Please bear in mind that a partner's pension cannot (partially) be exchanged. This usually applies to a partner's pension accrued before 1 January 2002. A partner’s pension accrued after this date is generally exchangeable.
Partner's pension?
  • AOW
  • Pension

Your pension income

  • AOW
  • Pension

Pension income of your partner

Free disposal of up to 10% of the old-age pension

The Lump Sum Payment Act allows you to withdraw up to 10% of the old age pension as a lump sum on your retirement date. That sure sounds appealing. The big advantage of withdrawing a lump sum is the flexibility it gives you when you retire. After tax, you may spend this money as you see fit. You may want to renovate your home, repay some of that mortgage or go on your dream trip. Read more about lump sum withdrawal

Temporary higher retirement income

Do you still have a mortgage to pay, do you want to travel the world or do you want to cover a period without state pension? In that case, you can opt for a temporarily higher retirement income, for a maximum of 10 years. The ratio between the high and low pension should be 100:75. The lowest income must be at least 75% of the highest income.

Temporary a higher retirement income?
  • AOW
  • Pension


Would you like to see the impact of the various choices on your pension? In MijnZwitserleven you can see how much retirement income you will receive and make well-informed choices.

Personal advice?

A financial adviser can give you independent advice on pension solutions from Zwitserleven and other providers. They are ready to answer your questions.