Making choices for your pension income

You will soon decide what you want for your pension. And that, among other things, determines the amount of pension income you can receive. View the different options and make a preliminary calculation now. You make your final choices just before your retirement date.

This is how to go about it

  1. Explore the possibilities

    The better prepared you are, the easier it will be to make your choices when the time comes. Read more about the different options below.

  2. Make a provisional calculation in MijnZwitserleven

    Want to know what your wishes could mean for the level of your retirement income? Then make a preliminary calculation in MijnZwitserleven now.

  3. From 6 weeks before your retirement date: finalising choices

    You submit your final choices to us. You do this in MijnZwitserleven.

    Received a form with your letter?

    If you received a form with your letter, fill in your choices for your retirement income on the form. Upload the questionnaire on our website.

What choices can you make?

  • Option buttons

    Retiring earlier or later

    Do you want to receive your pension on the retirement date? Or you can choose to receive your pension sooner or later.

  • Shapes

    Fixed or variable pension

    Do you want a fixed or variable pension income or a combination of these?

  • Ogen

    For your partner

    Do you have a partner? Then you can opt for your partner to receive a lifelong pension when you die.

  • Coins

    High / low pension

    Temporary higher pension for, for example, mortgage payments, long journeys or a period without state pension.

  • Pile of coins

    Lump sum payment

    You can withdraw up to 10% in one go. After deduction of taxes, you can spend this money however you want.

  • Wallet


    You may commute a small pension that yields a maximum of € 594.89 gross per year on the retirement date.

  • Shopping cart

    Right to shop around

    Buy a pension income from an insurer other than the one where you built up the capital.

Make a preliminary calculation

Want to know what your wishes could mean for the level of your retirement income? Then make a preliminary calculation in MijnZwitserleven now. This will make it easier for you to communicate your choices, starting 6 weeks before your retirement date. 

Combine other pension funds

If you have accrued pension capital elsewhere with other employers, you may be able to transfer these pension funds to Zwitserleven. This is convenient: you have all your pensions in one policy and pay policy fees only once. 

Read more about transferring pension pots

Discuss your wishes with an adviser

The choices you make for your retirement income later, you make for the rest of your life and that of your partner, if any. You can no longer change a vested pension. That is why it is important to seek advice from an independent financial adviser when making your choices. Together, you will explore your overall financial situation, which includes all your pension pots, as well as other asset components, such as a home of your own or savings.

Proper guidance from an adviser can help you make the choices that suit your needs and your personal situation. So that you can soon enjoy your well-earned retirement to the full.