Link accounts explanation for employers

What is the employer portal? 

As an employer you can collect and provide information about the Zwitserleven pension plan via the employer portal. In the employer portal you can, among other things, view information about your employees in the pension plan of the Zwitserleven Pensioen, submit changes and download invoices and participant reports. 

Gain access to the employer portal 

You can read here how you can gain access to the employer portal and how you can login to the employer portal. 

Do you have access to multiple Zwitserleven employer portals? 

You may have access to multiple employer portals at Zwitserleven. For example, because the pension plan of the Zwitserleven Pensioen is divided into different contracts. A separate user account is then created for each contract. With every user account you can log in to the employer portal. After logging in you have access to the contract that is linked to the account you use. 

Easier and faster login 

To be able to move easier and faster from one employer portal to another, you have an option in your employer portal to link employer accounts. You then only need to log in with one account and you can select afterwards which employer portal you want to go to. Read below how you can arrange this. Good to know: This only applies to the Zwitserleven Pension.

Step 1: Decide which account will be your main account 

First you must determine which account will be your main account. The main account is the account you will use to login from now on. You can link your other accounts to this account. Which account should be your main account depends on your situation. 

Situation 1: You do not currently use eHerkenning for any employer portal and you log in to all employer portals with your username and password. 

In this case, you can choose what your main account will be. You will then continue to log in with your username and password of your chosen main account. After linking your accounts, you will use this account for all employer portals.  

Situation 2:  You currently use eHerkenning to log in to one employer portal, and your username and password for other employer portals. 

In this case, the portal for which you use eHerkenning needs to be your main account. You will then continue to log in with this eHerkenning means. After linking your accounts, you will use this account for all employer portals. 

Situation 3: You are currently using eHerkenning to log in to more than one employer portal. 

In this case it is not possible to link all your employer portals. You can continue to log in with your current eHerkenning means.  

If there are also employer portals where you still log in with your username and password, you can link these to one of your accounts with eHerkenning. In that case, choose one of the portals to which you log in with eHerkenning as your main account. You will then continue to log in with this eHerkenning means and after linking you will also use this account for the linked employer portals. 

Step 2: Collect the credentials of all employer accounts that you want to link to your main account 

To link accounts, you need your employer account credentials. These are your usernames and passwords of 

Employer accounts that you currently log in to with eHerkenning cannot be linked to your main account. 

If you do not know or no longer know your username or password for one of the accounts to be linked, you can request it or reset it. You can read how you can do this in the first question in the section “Frequently asked questions”. 

Step 3: Log in with your main account chosen in step 1 and go to “Employer Choice” 

To link accounts, you must first log in with your main account. After you have logged in with your main account, go to the “Authorization” menu and choose “Employer Choice”. Then click on the button “Link employer account”. You will then be redirected to the employer portal login page. 

Step 4: Log in with the account you would like to link 

You will be prompted to log in with the account you would like to link. To do this, use your username and password for the account in question, as you collected in step 2. 

If you have already set up two-factor authentication on the account to be linked in the past, confirm your login by entering the 6-digit code. This code is shown at the account to be linked in the Authenticator app. If you then press “Verify” on the login screen, the account in question will be linked to your main account. 

If you did not previously set up two-factor authentication on the account to be linked, you must still do this during linking. To do this, follow the steps for setting up two-factor authentication in the login screen. After completing the two-factor authentication setup, your account is immediately linked to your main account. 

After linking, you no longer need a 6-digit code in the authenticator app of the linked account, and if desired you can remove the account in question from the Authenticator app.  

Step 5: Repeat step 4 for other accounts you would like to link 

You can link as many employer accounts as you want. To do this, click on the “Link employer account” button. You will then be redirected to the employer portal login page. Log in here with the account you would like to link (as described in step 4). 

Log in to linked employer portals 

After you have completed the steps above, you will no longer be able to log in with the username and password of your linked accounts. From that moment on you only log in with your main account(s). You do this in the same way as before, so with eHerkenning or with the combination of username and password of your account and two-factor authentication. 

Once you are logged in, a selection screen will appear. Here you can choose the portals associated with your main account and the linked account(s). By clicking on the “Choose Employer” button, you will go to the employer portal of your choice. 

If you want to go to another employer portal, you do not need to log out and log in again. By going to the “Authorization” menu and choosing “Employer Choice”, you will return to the selection screen with the different (linked) employer portals. Here you can select another account, which will take you to the employer portal of the selected account.  

You can also link additional accounts here if you wish. For example, because a new contract has started to which you also have access. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

I am not able to link an account? 

It is only possible to link accounts to which you log in with your username and password. 

So accounts to which you log in with eHerkenning cannot be linked.  

During linking, it is important that you enter the correct username and password combination of the account to be linked. If you do not know these anymore, you can first request or reset these. 

You can request your username by clicking on “Request username? Click here.” on After entering your email address, you will receive an email with your username. 

If you (also) do not know your password, you can (also) reset it by clicking on the “Reset password? Click here.” on this page and enter your username there. You will then receive an email with a link to a page to enter a new password. There you can also change your username. 

I can no longer log in to my linked accounts? 

Once you have linked an account, you can only log in with your main account and no longer with your linked accounts. 

Can I unlink my accounts?

You can unlink your account(s) in the selection screen that appears after logging in to your main account. You do this by clicking on the cross (top right) in the block of the employer in question. After that, the employer is no longer visible in the selection screen and you can no longer visit this employer portal via your main account. You will then need to log in again with the username and password of the unlinked account, as it was prior to linking. 

I can no longer log in to my main account?  

Your main account gives you access to all linked employer portals. It is therefore important that you keep access to this account. 

If you log in to your main account with your username and password, your username or password may have been entered incorrectly too many times. We will then block your account for security reasons. All linked accounts will then also be blocked. Follow the instructions in the email you receive about this to reactivate your main account. Your linked accounts can then also be selected again in the menu that appears after logging in to your main account. 

If you are still unable to log in or if you use eHerkenning to log in, please contact the Zwitserleven Service Desk via or via telephone number 020 578 37 20.

Are you still unable to link an account or to log in to the employer portal of your choice after following the step-by-step plan and the frequently asked questions? 

Then please contact the Zwitserleven Service Desk via or via telephone number 020 578 37 20. The Service Desk can help you to link your accounts or to solve login problems on your (main) account.