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Fund information

Every quarter, Zwitserleven publishes fact sheets about the three funds and all investment funds that are offered within the Self Investing option of the Zwitserleven Pensioen product. The fact sheets can be consulted via the links on this page. They provide a concise insight into investment policy, benchmarks used, investment returns achieved and the broad composition of the investments. The Key Investor Information fact sheet for the investment funds within the Self Investing option is updated annually and can also be viewed via a link on this page.

Factsheets Rendement fund

The Rendement Fund invests in various investment categories through participation in passively managed investment funds, with the aim of exceeding the return on investment of the Matching Lang Fund by 2% per year over the longer term (5 to 10 years). We anticipate market developments over the medium term. Depending on this, weightings can be adjusted within the Rendement Fund, or (new) investment categories can be added or excluded. 

Factsheet Rendement Fund

Factsheets underlying funds

Factsheet Matching Lang fund

 The investment objective of the Matching Lang Fund is to be able to convert the invested assets in the fund into a stable pension benefit with inflation protection, regardless of the interest and inflation rates 15-year before retirement. 

Factsheet Matching Lang Fund

Factsheet Matching Kort Fund

The investment objective of the Matching Kort Fund is to be able to convert the invested assets in the fund into a stable pension benefit with inflation protection, regardless of the interest and inflation rates at the time you retire. 

Factsheet Matching Kort Fund

Key Information Documents (KID) Self Investing 

The Key Information Documents (KID) for the 21 equity and bond investment funds within the Self Investing (opting out) investment option can be found here. 


Factsheet Self Investing 

If you participate in the Self Investing (opting out) option, you currently have 21 stock and bond investment funds. An overview of the available investment funds is included in the attached fact sheet. A collaboration with one of the world’s largest and leading investment fund providers, BlackRock, has been chosen. It is also possible to invest in socially responsible investments through Triodos funds. In the future, the range of available investment funds may change. 

See factsheets Self Investing

Overview Investment Terms 

We made an overview of some of the more common investing terms you may encounter. These words and concepts can help you get a better understanding of the investing world. 

See the overview