Een boot in het blauwe water van Curaçao. Op de achtergrond is een deel van Willemstad te zien.


Why investing? 

In your pension plan, money is put aside for when you retire. This accrued amount (or pension capital) can then be used to buy a pension with an insurer, such as Zwitserleven, when you retire. A relatively large amount of capital is needed to make sure you receive a sufficient pension. To reach this amount of capital you will most likely have to invest since relying on interest alone won’t give you enough return. Investing is therefore necessary for a good pension. 

Investing at Zwitserleven 

Zwitserleven ensures adequate accrual of pension capital. We have the following options available at the Zwitserleven Pensioen: 

  • Smart Standard 
  • Smart Investing 
  • Pension Stabiliser 
  • Self Investing 

Within the investment options Smart Standard and Smart Investing, pension is accrued through investments in three funds: Rendement Fund, Matching Lang fund and Matching Kort fund.

With the Pension Stabiliser option, the pension capital is accrued through the Matching Lang fund and Matching Kort fund.

Self Investing (opting out) offers freedom of choice in terms of investment mix and investment funds in which the pension capital is accrued and invested. 

Read more 

Statement of Investment Principles 

The Statement of Investment Principles describes the general principles of the investment policy and the investment process of the Zwitserleven Pensioen. The Zwitserleven Pensioen defines the investment policy. For its overall investment policy, LifeSight applies the investment cycle as shown here. In the Statement of Investment Principles we explain the different steps in this investment cycle. 

Read the Statement of Investment Principles


Under the Smart Standard and Smart Investment options, pension is accrued through investments in three funds. 

  • Investments in inflation-related fixed-income securities with average interest rate sensitivity – Matching Kort Fund 
  • Investments in inflation-related fixed-income securities with high interest rate sensitivity – Matching Lang Fund 
  • Investments in risk-bearing investments including, but not limited to, global equities, emerging market equities, global government bonds, global corporate bonds, high yield bonds, emerging market bonds, globally listed real estate company shares and commodities - Rendement Fund 

Read more about the funds

Self Investing 

Self Investing (opting out) offers freedom of choice in terms of investment mix and investment funds in which the pension capital is accrued and invested.

You have a choice of 21 investment funds that include the following investments: 

  • Developed market equities worldwide 
  • Developed market equities by region: 
    • Europe 
    • Europe (excl UK) 
    • EMU 
    • UK 
    • North America 
    • Japan 
    • Asia/Pacific (excl. Japan) 
  • Emerging market equities 
  • Global real estate equities 
  • Euro government bonds with very high credit ratings 
  • Euro (investment grade) government bonds 
  • Euro inflation-related government bonds 
  • Euro (investment grade) corporate bonds 
  • High Yield bonds 
  • Emerging market bonds 
  • Liquidities 
  • Sustainable developed markets equities worldwide 
  • Sustainable Euro (investment grade) corporate and government bonds 
  • Mix (50%/50%) sustainable developed markets equities worldwide / sustainable Euro (investment grade) corporate and government bonds 
  • Sustainable small and mid-cap developed markets equities worldwide 

Overview Investment Terms 

We made an overview of some of the more common investing terms you may encounter. These words and concepts can help you get a better understanding of the investing world. 

See the overview of Investment Terms