Pension product

More options to accrue additional gross pension

Do you have the option to accrue extra pension within your pension scheme? With PensioenAanvullen, you can now choose:

  • Whether you want to contribute a fixed amount per month;
  • Or whether you want to contribute an amount per month as a percentage of the tax allowance.

You can also choose to make a one-time extra pension contribution. The extra contribution will be deducted from your gross salary.

Read more about PensioenAanvullen

More freedom of choice in the net pension scheme

If your employer offers a net pension scheme, you can accrue net pension on the salary above €137,800 (2024). You can choose to contribute a fixed amount per month or an amount as a percentage of the tax allowance per month. The contribution will be deducted from your net salary. There is no time limit for making this choice.

Within the net pension scheme, a net orphans pension is automatically insured for any children and a net partners pension if your partner is known to us. You can choose to terminate these insurances separately. You do not need to fill out a waiver to terminate the partners pension.

Note: In the net pension scheme of Zwitserleven Pensioen, you cannot insure an additional surviving dependants pension.

Are you participating or have you participated in the net pension scheme? And do you also have a gross pension scheme? Then from September 2024, you will have two separate policy numbers: one for the gross pension scheme and one for the net pension scheme. You can choose to invest differently in your gross policy than in your net policy.

Read more about net pension

Same conditions, new name for a few insurances

From September 2024, a few possible components of the pension scheme will have a different name:

  • The Anw shortfall insurance is now the Surviving Dependants’ Bridging Pension
  • The WIA base pension is  now the Occupational Disability Pension under the WIA salary limit
  • The WIA top-up pension is now the Occupational Disability Pension above the WIA salary limit

The name change does not affect the conditions of these insurances, the level of coverage, or the premium. elipsLife will remain the risk insurer.