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What can you expect from Zwitserleven?

Enabling you to easily gain optimum insight into their personal pension situation is our goal and we do this through MijnZwitserleven, your personal online environment. We inform you about your Zwitserleven Pensioen as part of your overall financial picture. 

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What is a PPI?

A PPI is a type of pension provider, as are insurers and pension funds. We implement pension plans and build up pension assets. Zwitserleven is licensed by De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) and is supervised by DNB and the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM).

The Zwitserleven Pensioen is a defined contribution (DC) plan. The level of the pension payment depends on, among other things, investment earnings. In cooperation with our partners, we also offer various cover in the event of death and disability. 

What is a defined contribution plan? 

The Zwitserleven Pensioen plan is a defined contribution plan, also known as a DC (Defined Contribution). This means that your employer makes monthly premiums available for you, possibly supplemented with a personal contribution. These premiums are invested.

On your retirement date you have accrued a pension capital. This accrued amount can then be used to buy a pension with an insurer. The value of your pension payment depends on a number of things: how much premium has been deposited, the return on the investments, and the interest and average life expectancy on your retirement date. A defined contribution scheme can be administered by a pension fund, an insurer, APF or a PPI.