Group transfer of accrued benefits: an underappreciated option.

A kind of aversion seems to have arisen recently against group transfers of accrued benefits to a new pension provider. What are employers’ considerations when making this decision? And more importantly, what is best for participants?

Readtime 5 minutes

Improved lifecycles

We invest the pension contributions in accordance with our sustainable investment policy. We thus contribute to a better world and strive to provide participants with the best possible pension, at a responsible degree of risk. We are adjusting the lifecycles in our HorizonBeleggen and ProfielBeleggen investment forms in November 2022. Our reasons for doing this and the implications for participants are explained here.

Readtime 6 minutes

Zwitserleven introduces: Zwitserleven Variable Pension.

Good news for your employees with a defined contribution scheme who are about to retire! Since the beginning of April 2022, they can choose to take a variable pension in addition to a fixed pension with Zwitserleven.

Readtime 4 minutes

Advantages and disadvantages of a flexible contribution scheme.

In the new pension system, we have two types of contribution schemes: a flexible and a solidary contribution scheme. In essence they have much in common. The main difference is in the way the returns reach the participants and the extent to which solidarity reserves are used.

Readtime 5 minutes

Zwitserleven online payroll link for your employees

Many employers know how it is: a new employee has been in service for a while but is not yet registered for the pension scheme. Or someone receives a pay rise that influences his or her pension contribution.

Readtime 3 minutes