Continuing the average pay scheme or switching to a pension fund.
In this blog, a real-life case study will be discussed. It is an average pay scheme provided by an insurance company that is swapped for an average pay scheme with a better accrual percentage provided by a voluntary industry-wide pension fund.
Readtime 8 minutes
Fixed versus variable pension income.
A key principle in the development of the new pension system is that pension incomes should move more in line with returns. This desire is mainly instilled by the fact that pension funds have seen little to no indexation in recent years and a number of pension funds are threatening to lower pension incomes.
Readtime 5 minutes
Optimal investment policy at participant level
In the current system of individual defined contribution schemes, we use the lifecycle system to select the investments at participant level. Later, under the new pension system, we will once again work use lifecycles in the flexible defined contribution scheme. Berry van Sonsbeek on lifecycle models under the new pension system.
Readtime 5 minutes