Together on the road to the future of pensions.

We are doing everything to ensure that our pension schemes and supplementary risk cover are ready on time. So you can opt for a future-proof pension scheme as early as 1 July 2023, with an entry into force from 1 January 2024.

Flexible contribution schemes

Flexible contribution schemes

All average- and final salary pay schemes and endowment contracts are no longer possible as of Jan. 1, 2028. As of now, you can opt for a future-proof pension plan with an effective date from Jan. 1, 2024. Our defined contribution plans have been updated to meet the requirements of the new law.

  • Equal contribution for all participants, age categories will lapse. The contribution is not more than 30% of pensionable earnings. Under certain conditions, the contribution may be temporarily increased to a maximum of 33%.
  • Choice of a fixed or variable pension income with the Zwitserleven Variable Pension.
  • An investment policy and appropriate life cycles tailored to the composition of all participants per employer.
Preparing for a fixed or variable pension

Preparing for a fixed or variable pension

Your employees accrue income for later with their pension scheme. If they do this through a defined contribution scheme, they will receive a fixed or variable pension when their pension comes into payment. We can take into account their preliminary choice before the retirement date. And ensure we use an appropriate mix of investments. With HorizonBeleggen, you define in the pension scheme what the starting point is: preparing for a fixed pension or preparing for a variable pension.

However, your employee may deviate from this. With ProfielBeleggen, your employee can choose to prepare for a variable pension and influence the mix of investments themselves.

Read more about this on Preparing for a variable pension

Greater clarity for partner's and orphan's pension

Greater clarity for partner's and orphan's pension

The standard partner’s pension if the participant passes away after their retirement date is 70% of the retirement pension.

Partner’s pension in the event of passing before the retirement date

  • Insured amount is up to 50% of the participant's salary.
  • Years of service and statutory offset do not count.
  • A participant will thus know exactly how much their partner will receive if the participant passes away before their retirement date.

Orphan’s pension

  • One fixed final age, 25 years
  • Up to 20% of the participant's salary. (Up to 40% for full orphans)

How we help you make a smooth transition

The introduction of the new pension system means that you have many choices to make. A new pension scheme, and the implications of the transition from an average pay or final pay scheme to a flexible defined contribution scheme. A lot will also change for the participants. Good guidance for you and participants in making choices is therefore essential. This we will provide, together with your adviser. 

Tooling transition
It is important to identify the financial consequences of the pension agreement for you and the participants. Zwitserleven has a tool that can be used to visualize the differences between the old and the new pension plan.


You will receive important and relevant information from us about the transition to the new pension system. We do this through the NieuwZ, knowledge sessions, personal e-mails and of course in updates on this page.

Participants will also find information about the pension agreement on our website. A separate page is devoted to informing them about the new pension agreements and rules. We also keep participants informed via the NieuwZ. And the pension agreement is, of course, also one of the topics during our PensioenAvonden.

Learn more about the pension agreement for employees