New onboarding for new participants
Making pension comprehensible. That's helpful for everyone. We see this as our core task. Not just because the new Pensions Act calls for better guidance for participants in all their choices. But more importantly, because we want people to take a much greater interest in their pension.
This is why we at Zwitserleven have been working for some time to simplify our information flow. To avoid overwhelming new participants with a barrage of information and messages right away, we have developed a completely new onboarding email flow. In this program, we guide new participants through their most important pension choices in just 6 months. To make all this information even clearer, we have developed the animation on this page.
If you wish to share these animations on your intranet, for example, feel free to contact your account manager. We can also send you a dispatch schedule so that you know when each item of information will be sent out to your employees.
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