New way to determine investor profile in MijnZwitserleven
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New way to determine investor profile in MijnZwitserleven

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An investor profile gives participants insight into the investment risk they are able and willing to take. We believe it is important to properly guide participants in choosing the most appropriate profile. We have therefore further developed the method used to determine the investor profile.
From 29 September 2022, it will be available to all ProfielBeleggen participants in MijnZwitserleven.

Three new elements

Created on the basis of scientific research, the new methods guides participants towards a fitting profile. Participants must complete three elements in this new method:

  • Risk appetite
  • Risk level
  • Risk bearing capacity

After completing the entire flow, participants are shown which investor profile most closely matches the investment risk they are able and willing to take. Participants can select the best fitting profile but are also free to select a different one. In that case, participants must enter their reasons for choosing a different profile.

If a participant still has 15 years until retirement, they will also receive additional questions about preparing for variable pension income and the ZekerheidZwitch.

Any questions? Feel free to reach out to your contact at Zwitserleven.

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