Our services.

It is our job to ensure you do not have to worry about your pension scheme. We offer a basic service package for the management of your pension scheme and for the communication to employees. 

Managing your pension scheme

Basic service provision

The basic service provision consists of work to set up the pension contract and work during the contract period. These costs are included in the service charges and are laid down in the administration agreement.

Extra services

In addition to the basic service provision, Zwitserleven offers a wide range of extra services together with your adviser. Example:

  • Interim amendments to your pension scheme rules.
  • Additional (financial) information for yourself or your accountant.
  • Transfer of accrued benefits.

Communication to employees

Basic communication

Basic communication refers to the communication at the start of the pension contract and during the contract period. These costs are included in the service charges and are laid down in the administration agreement.

Extra communication services

In addition to the basic communication, we offer, together with your adviser, custom communication solutions for your employees. This personal support is focused on:

  • Increasing the pension awareness of your employees.
  • Giving your employees insight into (the amount of) their pension.
  • Allowing your employees to make well-considered choices about their pension.

Wijziging pensioenreglement en/of uitvoeringsovereenkomst

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