Clear communication

Pensions can be quite a complicated matter. Nevertheless, it is important to think ahead and make the right choices for later.  All employees who accrue pension with Zwitserleven receive information about the scheme, personal overviews and support. In this way, they can gain insight into their pension scheme. 

Personal online environment

  • Gain insight into your total pension, including our partner's (if any) and your expected expenses.
  • Shows how early retirement will affect your pension benefits.
  • Possibility to supplement the retirement income.


  • At different locations in the country
  • Separate sessions for employees aged 40-55 and 62+
  • Provides insight into the pension scheme and the different options


  • One-on-one consultation 
  • At home via video call 
  • Provides insight into the pension situation
News and tips for you as an employer

News and tips for you as an employer

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