Products with RendementsCorrectie

With RendementsCorrectie you can adjust the premium to the market interest rate. Below you will find more information about our pension products with RendementsCorrectie.

Nu Pensioen

The Zwitserleven Nu Pensioen: the modern way of accruing pension thanks to the unique combination of low costs, responsible investment and guarantees.

Exclusief Pensioen

With Exclusief Pensioen, Zwitserleven is the first insurer to give absolute priority to transparency. You and your employees will know exactly what the pension costs.


With i-Pensioen you offer your employees a good and affordable pension scheme. Fitting within your budget and easy to manage.

Surviving dependants' bridging pension

The surviving dependants’ bridging pension (NOVP) provides a temporary pension for the partner upon your employee’s death. The benefits take effect immediately upon your employee’s death. And payments will be made until the partner receives his or her state pension, or dies sooner.