RendementsCorrectie Nu Pensioen.

RendementsCorrectie Nu Pensioen.

Adjust the premium to the market interest rate 

The market interest rate determines the amount of the premium you have to pay for the partner’s, orphan’s and surviving dependants' bridging pension for your employees. The market interest rate fluctuates. Your premium will be adjusted to the market interest rate. This is what we call RendementsCorrectie. As a measure of changing market interest rates, we use the 20-year Euro Swap bid rates. Check out how this works below.


At a market interest rate of 2.9%, the RendementsCorrectie is 12.4%. With this percentage, the premiums for the partner’s, orphan’s and surviving dependants' bridging pension are increased. If you receive a proposal for the Zwitserleven Nu Pension, the correction is already included in the rates tables of this proposal.

The level of RendementsCorrectie

Month Market interest rate RendementsCorrectie Nu Pensioen
July 2024 2.75% 15.60%
June 2024 2.80% 14.50%
May 2024 2.78% 14.90%
April 2024 2.60% 18.80%
March 2024 2.64% 17.90%
February 2024 2.57% 19.40%
January 2024 2.50% 20.90%
December 2023 2.95% 11.30%
November 2023 3.35% 2.20%
October 2023 3.31% 3.10%
September 2023 2.92% 11.90%
August 2023 2.90% 12.40%
July 2023 2.74% 15.80%
June 2023 2.83% -15.60%
May 2023 2.88% -16.10%
April 2023 2.77% -15.00%
March 2023 3.04% -17.50%
February 2023 2.64% -13.80%
January 2023 2.83% -15.60%
December 2022 2.42% -11.60%
November 2022 2.84% -15.70%

The level of RendementsCorrectie depends on the current market interest rate.

  • We determine the RendementsCorrectie percentage on every first working day of the month. At the time that you agree with our proposal, we will determine the final RendementsCorrectie. For this purpose, we use the market interest rate of the month in which we received the signed administration agreement from you. The RendementsCorrectie is fixed for the calendar year in question. The percentage is set each year again.
  • Read more about the RendementsCorrectie in your proposal. And about how the RendementsCorrectie is determined for your contract.

RendementsCorrectie for Netto Pensioen

In addition to the Zwitserleven Nu Pensioen, do you also insure a Netto Pensioen for employees who earn more than €137,800 (2024)? And do you also insure a net partner's pension and a net orphan's pension for these employees? In these cases, the same RendementsCorrectie applies as for Zwitserleven Nu Pensioen.