Pension figures

Every year, a large number of amounts from the tax and social insurance legislation are indexed. A number of these amounts are also important for pension schemes. You will find a brief overview below. The amounts for your pension scheme may differ. Check in MijnZwitserleven which figures apply to your pension scheme.

The amounts stated are gross amounts.

2024 2023
Statutory retirement age 67 years and 0 months 66 years and 10 months

State pension benefits
Married with partner > statutory retirement age including holiday pay € 26.317 € 24.482
Single persons including holiday pay € 19.347 € 17.970

Statutory offset 
Minimum statutory offset for fully insured pension  
Average pay € 17.545 € 16.322
Final pay € 19.853 € 18.470
Minimum statutory offset for pension (partly) under own management  
Average pay € 25.796 € 23.962
Final pay € 29.190 € 27.114
The statutory offset for pensions with an accrual percentage  
Average pay (≤ 1,701%) € 14.009 € 13.033
Average pay (> 1,701% - ≤ 1,788%) € 15.816 € 14.714
Final pay (≤ 1,483%) € 15.852 € 14.747
Final pay (> 1,483% - ≤ 1,570%) € 17.894 € 16.647

Pension accrual percentages 
The maximum tax accrual percentages per year of service for old-age pension  
Average pay 1,88% 1.88%
Final pay 1,66% 1.66%

Pension capped limit 
The pensionable salary is maximum* € 137.800 € 128.810
Small pension commutation limit € 592,51 per jaar € 594,89 per jaar

Surviving dependants' benefit insurance 
Surviving dependants’ benefits total per year € 19.080 € 17.859

Statutory minimum wage 
23 years and older including holiday pay per year € 26.819 € 25.070
WIA wage limit € 71.628 € 66.956

* All wage components are eligible for pensionable pay, with the exception of the addition related to private use of the company car.