Notification of independence of the service auditor
In performing the ISAE 3402 Assurance engagement, Ernst & Young (EY) has made use of article 3 paragraph 7 of the Dutch independence rules for auditors in the performance of Assurance engagements (“Verordening inzake de onafhankelijkheid van accountants bij assurance-opdrachten”).
The user of this (Assurance) report acknowledges, by logging on to this website and by accessing the latest version of the Zwitserleven ISAE 3402 type II report, that the independence requirements for EY in relation to this engagement are limited to the independence of the audit team from the audit object and from Zwitserleven's personnel responsible for the audit object.
This report and the description of internal controls reviews are intended only for clients who have used Zwitserleven's system of internal controls for pension records processes and their accountants for the specific purpose described in the report. This report is not allowed to be provided (in whole or in part) to third parties. Zwitserleven and EY accept no liability or responsibility whatsoever vis-à-vis third parties.