International pooling

Pooling your administration agreement at Zwitserleven?

Is your company part of a multinational group of companies? If so, it may be worthwhile for you to have your Zwitserleven administration agreement included in an international pooling arrangement. 

Pooling is a form of international risk sharing (or technical profit sharing) in which all group pension insurance policies of one multinational group of companies are combined into one insurance pool. This way, your company will enjoy all the benefits of group volume. Thanks to group volume, there is a real chance of profit sharing on risk covers such as death and occupational disability. This applies regardless of whether your Dutch branch is part of a small or a large multinational firm.

In order to use international pooling, your pension insurance company must be a member of an international insurance network. Zwitserleven is a member of the Swiss Life Network for multinational pooling.

International pooling at Zwitserleven via the Swiss Life Network

At Zwitserleven, international pooling is only available through the Swiss Life Network. Zwitserleven is a long-standing member of this oldest and major international insurance network. Until 2010 it was a wholly-owned subsidiary of the former Schweizerische Rentenanstalt. Today, Zwitserleven is the exclusive partner of the Swiss Life Network in the Netherlands.

The Swiss Life Network is one of the leading employee benefits networks. Founded in 1962, it is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. This network is a global alliance of 90 leading insurance companies operating in over 80 countries.

Benefits of pooling through Swiss Life

  • Technical profit sharing on group risk premiums may eventually result in lower pension costs.
  • Information is provided on internationally insured employee benefits and pension options per country.
  • Expat packages: benefits for expatriate or internationally operating employees.
  • Benchmark information on individual employee benefits per country.
  • Centralised data sharing options for the head office of the affiliated multinational company on insured employee benefits in the various countries.
  • International contact person at Swiss Life for the centralised coordination of agreements with various insurance companies affiliated with the network.

How do I know if my administration agreement can be pooled?

Are you the head office or a subsidiary of a multinational company? If so, we would be happy to explore with you and your adviser the added value that international pooling can bring. Based on the offer for the local pension scheme, we request information from the Swiss Life network at least on the potential financial benefits of pooling.

A distinction is made between whether you can join a so-called client-specific pool or a multi-client pool. In the first case, your agreement is pooled with the other member companies of your multinational group that are insured in the network. In the second situation, you are part of a pool with companies of other multinational companies.

Multi-client pool

Even if your company does not have any branches in other countries, but does operate internationally, we will explore whether you can participate in international pooling through a multi-client pool.

More information

If you would like to know more about international pooling, please get in touch with your contact at Zwitserleven.