Starting February 3, 2025, the markups and markdowns for many of the sub-funds within Zwitserleven Beleggingsfondsen and Zwitserleven Institutionele Beleggingsfondsen will be adjusted.
Cardano Asset Management (the Manager) periodically reviews whether the long-term average transaction costs align with the actual costs. If they do not, the Manager can adjust the markups and markdowns. As long as these adjustments do not exceed the maximum limit, they take effect immediately and are published on the Cardano Asset Management website. You can find the current markups and markdowns in the Current Markups and Markdowns overview.
What are markups and markdowns?
Buying and selling units of a fund incur costs. Cardano Asset Management covers these costs through 'markups and markdowns'. These adjustments benefit the fund by covering the transaction costs, resulting in a slightly higher or lower price.
Whether a markup or markdown applies on a given day depends on the number of units bought or sold that day. If more units are bought, a markup is applied to both buyers and sellers. If more units are sold, a markdown is applied.
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