Adjustment to the distribution of investments within Duration Funds as of 1 January 2024

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We invest the pension capital for your employees in lifecycles. A lifecycle is a certain mix of investments. With this mix, we match the investments to the participant’s age. And make sure that the risk of their investments is reduced gradually as they approach their retirement date. We then invest in bond funds with long or very long maturities. These are:

  • Zwitserleven Medium Duration Fonds
  • Zwitserleven Long Duration Fonds
  • Zwitserleven Ultra Long Duration Fonds.

Adjustments to the investments

To determine the price for buying your pension, the level of interest is also important. These Duration funds are sensitive to changes in interest rates. Interest rates have risen. When interest rates rise, the value of investments in Duration funds decreases. Also, when interest rates rise, the rate for buying a pension goes down. In order to keep the expected pension income as stable as possible, we will slightly change the mix of your investments with these three funds as of 1 January 2024:

  • We will slightly increase our investment in the Medium Duration fund and slightly reduce our investment in the Long and Ultra Long Duration funds. For participants already invested in these three funds, we will adjust the ratio if necessary. Some investments will be sold, while others will be purchased.
  • In our communication, from now on we will refer to these three Duration funds together as the Zwitserleven Duration funds.

No action by the participants will be required. Around mid-January, the participants concerned will be sent a message about this in MijnZwitserleven. Participants can always view their investments in MijnZwitserleven.

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