Division of special partner's pension

Division of special partner's pension

Under the standard rules, your former partner will usually remain entitled to the partner's pension. After a divorce, end of unmarried cohabitation or end of a registered partnership, this pension is called a special partner's pension. Your former partner will receive this when you pass away. Usually, you are also entitled to the accrued partner's pension from your former partner's scheme. A legal separation does not create a special partner's pension; the partner from whom you legally separate retains the right to the partner's pension.

What does Zwitserleven do?

We automatically apportion the special partner’s pension for your former partner. Normally, you do not have to take any action. We will do this after we have been notified of your divorce or termination of your registered partnership by your municipality. If you live abroad or were cohabiting unmarried in the Netherlands, you will have to notify us of your divorce or separation. This is because in these cases, we do not receive information through the municipality where you live.

Waiving the right to special partner's pension

If you and your former partner wish to waive the right to a special partner’s pension, this is usually arranged in the divorce agreement or other similar agreement. You should send this document to us using 'upload form'. If you have not made any arrangement regarding special partner's pension in the divorce or similar agreement, please complete the form ‘Waiver of special partner's pension’ together with your former partner and send it to us.

When to waive the right to special partner's pension

There are advantages and disadvantages if your former partner waives their right to a special partner’s pension. Whether this is right for you and your former partner depends on what is important to both of you and your personal situation. And the options you have in your pension scheme. Therefore, first check in MijnZwitserleven whether you have insured a partner's pension. The overview below lists some of the situations in which it may be sensible for your former partner to waive the right to a special partner's pension.


  • If you get a new partner, they will be entitled to the full partner’s pension.
  • You can convert the partner's pension into an old-age pension on your retirement date.


  • You and your former partner must both agree that your former partner waives the special partner's pension.
  • Your former partner will not receive a special partner's pension if you pass away; this may cause anxiety. Especially if your former partner is dependent on alimony. Payment of alimony will cease if you pass away.

My suit you if:

  • Your former partner has sufficient income of their own and does not want to depend on the income from your pension.
  • Your former partner has or is accruing a good pension of their own.   
  • Your former partner has other resources, such as savings. 
  • You have other assets that you can divide with your former partner, and thus compensate for the special partner’s pension.
  • If your former partner has other income that will be reduced by the special partner's pension, such as a benefit or allowances.
  • Your former partner has a short life expectancy.

Probably suits you less if:

  • Your former partner has insufficient income themselves and depends on income from your pension.
  • Your former partner is not accruing a pension or is accruing less pension.   
  • There are no other resources, such as savings. 
  • You and your former partner are considering a 'split' (with a split, you give your former partner their own right to a pension).

Need advice on your choices?

We are happy to help you make choices for your pension. These choices may have major financial implications. Our guidance covers only your pension scheme with Zwitserleven. Whether a choice is right for you obviously depends on your whole personal situation, now and in the future.
Perhaps you should consider contacting an adviser, who can give you an overview of all your financial affairs and help you to make the most suitable choices.