Divorce and pension

Divorce and pension

A divorce, legal separation or end of a registered partnership will almost always affect your pension. Your former partner may be entitled to the partner’s pension and part of your old-age pension and vice versa. That is, unless you wish to make different arrangements. Your options are explained below.

Making arrangements about your pension

A divorce or similar agreement contains the agreements you make, for example, about your possessions. In this document, you can also record all the arrangements for your old-age pension and partner's pension. If you do not record anything, the standard rules will apply. The two of you can agree on a different apportionment. Or that the pension should not be divided. It is important that you record your choices together. You should send us a copy of this document, preferably before it becomes final. We can then see immediately whether your wishes and arrangements are possible. More information on the rights of your former partner is given below.

Old-age pension

Under the standard rules, your former partner is entitled to half of the old-age pension you accrued during your marriage or registered partnership. But there are several ways to divide your and your former partner's old-age pension.

What is the best choice for you?

Special partner's pension

Under the standard rules, your former partner will usually remain entitled to the partner's pension. After a divorce, end of unmarried cohabitation or end of a registered partnership, this pension is called a special partner's pension.

Learn more about special partner's pension