Investment form ProfielBeleggen

With ProfielBeleggen, Zwitserleven will invest for you. You decide how we do this by creating a personal investor profile. This shows what type of investor you are and how much risk you are willing to take.

Lifecycle investing

With ProfielBeleggen, you choose to invest in one of the matching lifecycles managed by Zwitserleven. A lifecycle is a certain mix of investments. With this mix, we match the investments to your age and make sure that the risk of your investments is reduced gradually as you approach your retirement date. This means that we change the mix of funds in order to reduce your investment risk. ProfielBeleggen consists of five lifecycles: cautious, defensive, neutral, ambitious and offensive.

You determine the investor profile, Zwitserleven invests in the corresponding lifecycle

Your investment mix and the reduction of your investment risk will vary depending on the lifecycle you choose. This is why your investor profile is important. An investor profile indicates what kind of investor you are and the level of risk that is appropriate for you. If your investor profile shows that you would prefer to take higher or lower risk, you can invest in a different lifecycle, ranging from cautious to offensive. Zwitserleven will make these adjustments, but is not responsible for the returns on your investments or whether these deliver an adequate pension.

You must ensure that your investor profile matches your personal situation. It is thus sensible to check once a year whether your investor profile is still appropriate. Or sooner, if there are changes in your situation in the meantime. For example, if you get married, have children or if you and your partner split up. You determine your investor profile (each time) in MijnZwitzerleven. Log in to with your DigiD or with your e-mail address and password.

How does ProfielBeleggen work?

How does ProfielBeleggen work?

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Preparing for a variable pension income

From the moment your pension comes into payment, you will receive a fixed or variable pension. It is important to consider this choice in good time. Because if your preliminary choice is for a variable pension, we take this into account in advance. We will start to invest differently from the date on which your investment risk reduction starts until your pension comes into payment. We call this preparing for a variable pension income. This may be for all or part of the value of your plan assets. This ensures that during the period you are accruing capital for your pension, your investments reflect your needs during the period when you receive your pension.

Learn more about preparing for a variable pension

View your current investment mix

Final phase of your pension accrual

The final phase of your pension accrual may require some additional explanation. You invest in order to accrue a pension capital. You use this to purchase a pension income on your retirement date. The amount of this capital is not the only factor determining the amount of your pension income. The level of the pension rate at that time is also important. When we say that the risk of your investment mix will be reduced, we are looking primarily at the amount of pension income you will receive and not the amount of capital you have accrued. So we also take account of the pension rate.

Learn more about risk ruction in the lifecycle

When to choose ProfielBeleggen?

So there are advantages and disadvantages to ProfielBeleggen. Whether it is right for you depends on what is important to you. And what options you have in your pension scheme. Therefore, first check in MijnZwitserleven which investment forms are available to you. The overview below shows the situations in which you could consider ProfielBeleggen.


  • You choose to invest based on your investor profile. You can thus take account of the level of risk you are willing and able to bear. And what suits your personal situation and wishes.

  • You accept the risks of investing and want to take the opportunity for a higher return.

  • We will reduce your investment risk as you approach your retirement date.

  • It is possible to prepare your investment mix for a variable pension income while specifying the proportion of the value of your plan assets you wish to use for this.

  • You may also opt to use ZekerheidZwitch, which allows you to purchase a guaranteed old-age and partner's pension already before your retirement date.

  • You are free to change your investment form to HorizonBeleggen or VrijBeleggen in the interim, if this is possible within your pension scheme.


  • You are responsible for determining an investor profile and making sure it suits your personal situation.

  • Investing in a lifecycle can potentially lead to (much) more or (much) less pension income than with standard investing.

May suit you if you:

  • want us to take more account of how much risk you yourself are willing and able to take than with HorizonBeleggen, and also more account of what suits your personal situation and wishes.

  • want to have a chance of a higher return, and are willing to accept the chance of a lower return.

  • want to automatically reduce your investment risk as you approach your retirement date.

  • want to prepare your investment mix for a variable pension income and specify the proportion of the value of your plan assets you wish to use for this.

  • are considering purchasing a guaranteed old-age and partner's pension already before your retirement date (with ZekerheidZwitch).

Probably suits you less if you:

  • do not wish to take responsibility for your investment mix on the basis of your investor profile.

  • do not wish to think about your investments and want Zwitserleven to determine your investment mix.

  • are not considering purchasing a guaranteed old-age and partner's pension already before your retirement date (with ZekerheidZwitch).

Need advice on your choices?

We are happy to help you make choices for your pension. These choices may have major financial implications. Our guidance covers only your pension scheme with Zwitserleven. Whether a choice is right for you obviously depends on your whole personal situation, now and in the future.
Perhaps you should consider contacting an adviser, who can give you an overview of all your financial affairs and help you to make the most suitable choices.