Investment form DynamischBeleggen.

DynamischBeleggen is a standard investment form. We take care of your investments for you. We take into account the average risk that participants in the scheme want and can take, as well as their expected pension income. We also take into account your pensionable salary. You do not have to worry about your investments yourself.

Lifecycle investing

With DynamischBeleggen, we invest on the basis of a lifecycle. A lifecycle is a certain mix of investments. In this mix, we adjust the investments to your age. We also make sure that the investment risk of the mix is gradually reduced as you approach your retirement date. So we adjust the mix of funds so that the investment risk declines. When we refer to retirement age, we mean the standard age at which you will retire according to the pension scheme.

Based on your age and the number of years remaining until your retirement date, we invest in a mix of shares, real estate shares and corporate and government bonds. Every year, we check whether a good result of the investments is still being achieved. We adjust your investment mix as necessary. No action is needed on your part. When investing through the lifecycle model, you have an opportunity to achieve a good result of the investments. Your investment risk will become lower and lower as you approach your retirement date.

DynamischBeleggen consists of 7 lifecycles

Lifecycle 1 is the lifecycle with the lowest risk, and Lifecycle 7 features the highest risk. The lifecycle we select for you depends on your salary. If you have a modal salary, you will invest in the lifecycle with the lowest risk, i.e. lifecycle 1. If your salary is (much) higher or lower, you will invest in a lifecycle with a higher risk. This means that investments in equities, and other investments with a higher risk, will be larger or continue for longer.

Do you no longer work for the employer with whom you had a pension scheme with DynamischBeleggen? Then, we will no longer receive any information about your salary. From 3 months after you have left the company, we will only look at your age and no longer at your salary. We will then invest via lifecycle 1.
In our pension schemes, we include sustainability risks in our investment decisions. We will be pleased to tell you more about our sustainable investment policy for your pension scheme.

Learn more about our sustainable investment policy

Investment funds in the lifecycles

We use the following funds in the DynamischBeleggen lifecycles:

If your retirement age is still far away, it is important to take advantage of the chance for good investment results. In this phase of the lifecycle, we invest for you in a mix that consists largely of equities. These are the funds 1 to 3. As you get closer to your retirement age, we invest with less risk. Just before your retirement age, the investment mix consists mainly of bonds. These are the funds 4 to 6.

View your current investment mix

Final phase of your pension accrual

The final phase of your pension accrual may require some additional explanation. You invest in order to accrue a pension capital. You use this to purchase a pension income on your retirement date. To give you the highest possible pension income, we take into account the investment risk and interest rate risk. We slowly reduce the investment risk as your retirement age approaches. This provides you with more certainty about your expected pension. The interest rate risk is the risk that your pension may decrease due to a decline in interest rates. We reduce the interest rate risk by investing in investment funds that invest in long-term bonds. By investing in bonds, your expected pension income becomes more stable.

Learn more about risk reduction in the lifecycle

When to choose DynamischBeleggen? 

There are advantages and disadvantages to DynamischBeleggen. Whether it is right for you depends on what is important to you. And what options you have in your pension scheme. So check first in MijnZwitserleven to see which investment forms are available to you. The overview below shows the situations in which you could consider DynamischBeleggen.


  • You do not have to take care of your investments. We determine your investment mix for you.
  • The closer you get to your retirement date, the less investment risk we take.
  • You do not need to define an investor profile.
  • You are free to change your investment form to ProfielBeleggen or VrijBeleggen in the interim, if this is allowed in your pension scheme.


  • We invest for you according to a 'standard' investment policy. We do not take account of how much risk you yourself are willing and able to bear.
  • The investment mix may not be the most appropriate for your personal situation and needs. You may not accrue an optimal amount of pension as a result.
  • It is not possible for you to decide what percentage of your investment mix you wish to prepare for a variable retirement income. This does become possible if you switch to ProfielBeleggen.

May suit you if you:

  • don't want to think about your investments and want Zwitserleven to determine your investment mix.
  • know that you do not wish to fully prepare your investment mix for a variable pension income.

Probably suits you less if you:

  • want to decide the level of risk you are willing and able to bear. And want to tailor your investment mix to your personal situation and needs.
  • want to decide the percentage of your investment mix you wish to prepare for a variable pension income. This is not possible with HorizonBeleggen. This does become possible if you switch to ProfielBeleggen, if this is allowed in your pension scheme.

Need advice on your choices?

We are happy to help you make choices for your pension. These choices may have major financial implications. Our guidance covers only your pension scheme with Zwitserleven. Whether a choice is right for you obviously depends on your whole personal situation, now and in the future.
Perhaps you should consider contacting an adviser, who can give you an overview of all your financial affairs and help you to make the most suitable choices.