Zwitserleven leader CSR policy.

Zwitserleven leader CSR policy.

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Zwitserleven, with its parent company VIVAT, among the leaders in terms of CSR policy. This is the conclusion of a new Eerlijke Verzekeringswijzer (Fair Insurance Guide) investigation. Improvements were made on no less than 8 points! With the highest scores of all insurers on climate-related themes such as climate change, forestry and nature. 

Assessment of investment policy
The Eerlijke Verzekeringswijzer assesses the investment policy of the 9 largest insurance groups in the Netherlands on themes such as corruption, weapons, climate change, bonuses and mining. The assessment seeks to answer 2 questions: What have insurers set out in their investment policy? And how is it implemented? An external research agency conducts the investigation.

Of all insurance groups, we score highest on climate change. And our gender equality score has gone up considerably: from 1 to 6. We require that the companies we invest in reward men and women equally.

Our high rating is largely due to the improved transparency. The policy has always been progressive, but over the past few months a lot of time and attention has been devoted to communicating that policy, in dialogue with stakeholders and through various publications, including on the websites. 

Want to find out more about the Eerlijke Verzekeringswijzer and the investigation?

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