Our investment beliefs.

Our investment beliefs.

With the help of our investment beliefs, or the documentation of the investment starting points, we lay out the fundamentals for the way we invest. They form the base for the investment policy. Properly constructed investment beliefs form a vision on the way the financial markets operate and the way in which Zwitserleven acts in that to achieve it's targets. 

  • We contribute to a better world with our investment policy. A world that will still be beautiful on the retirement date. 
  • Our investments are intended to generate income for later. Therefore, we have a long investment horizon. By means of an appropriate policy, we make pension benefits less susceptible to market developments. 
  • We aim for complete transparency about our investments.
  • We are critical of the costs in order to achieve the best return.
  • As a result of an expert spread across asset classes, regions, countries and investment styles, we achieve an appropriate return/risk ratio.
  • We consider, for each asset class, whether active management could generate additional returns or whether passive management is the right choice.
  • The world is changing all the time. Our policy is therefore regularly reviewed and subsequently modified, if necessary.