Zwitserleven Credits Hypotheken Mixfonds

With the Zwitserleven Credits Hypotheken Mixfonds you can invest partly in sustainable and responsible bonds issued by companies or institutions and partly in Dutch mortgages originated by Aegon Hypotheken B.V and secured by private Dutch homes.

What does the fund invest in?

What is the investment objective?

ThThe investment objective of the fund is to achieve a financial return that is at least equal to the return of the benchmark. In addition, the fund pursues long-term sustainability objectives by its investment in the Zwitserleven Credits Fund. You can read about these objectives in chapter 4 of the prospectus Zwitserleven Beleggingsfondsen at the bottom of this page.

How does the fund invest?

TThe fund invests actively. The fund manager selects the loans based on expected market developments and tries to achieve a return that is better than the return of the benchmark over a period of three years. Of course, all investments meet the sustainability criteria. You can read about these criteria in chapters 4 and 11.8 of the prospectus Zwitserleven Beleggingsfondsen.

How sustainable and responsible does the fund invest?

How sustainable and responsible does the fund invest?

With the Zwitserleven Credits Hypotheken Mixfonds, Zwitserleven has opted for a fund with a socially responsible investment policy. The fund promotes environmental and social characteristics, as referred to in Article 8 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). You can read about these characteristics in chapter 11.8 of the prospectus Zwitserleven Beleggingsfondsen at the bottom of this page. Information about the developments and results of the past year with regard to sustainability can be found in chapter 1.11 of the Annual Report Zwitserleven Beleggingsfondsen.

The data below refers to December 2024.

CO₂-uitstoot in tonnen
Waterverbruik in liters (x1000)

What fund costs are charged?

Fund costs are charged and consist of:

  • Ongoing Charges Figure, which is charged daily to the fund's price. The expected Ongoing Charges Figure of the Zwitserleven Credits Hypotheken Mixfonds is 0.10% per annum.
  • Management fees that are settled with the investment value every month. Information about management fees can be found in your pension scheme rules.
  • The fund charges a fee when investors are entering or exiting the fund, because it must buy or sell investments. Therefore the fund charges an entry fee or an exit fee on the net asset value of the fund. Cardano Asset Management (the Manager) periodically calculates whether the long-term average transaction costs are still in line with the actual costs. If this is no longer correct, the Manager can change the height of the fee’s. As long as this does not exceed the maximum, these changes will take effect immediately and will be published on the Cardano Asset Management website. The current fee’s can be found in the overview Actuele op- en afslagen.
Loop geen onnodig risico. Lees het Essentiële-informatiedocument. Hierin staat dat het risico van dit product klein is, namelijk 2 op een schaal van 7.

Zwitserleven Credits Hypotheken Mixfonds is een subfonds van Zwitserleven Beleggingsfondsen. De beheerder van Zwitserleven Credits Hypotheken Mixfonds is Cardano Asset Management N.V.. Zwitserleven Credits Hypotheken Mixfonds en Cardano Asset Management N.V. zijn geregistreerd bij de AFM. U vindt op deze pagina een prospectus en essentiële-informatiedocument. De op deze pagina getoonde informatie mag niet worden aangemerkt als beleggingsadvies.