Staying informed.

Staying informed.

You will receive messages from Zwitserleven or other Athora companies with news and offers from Zwitserleven and/or Athora.

Preferences and behaviour

Our goal is to offer you the very best services and products to make your life as easy as possible. And only send you messages with news and offers from Athora or from our partners that are relevant to you. In order to offer services, products and messages in line with your preferences and behaviour, we make automated use of your data.

More specifically, we combine and analyse the following data:

  • Data you provided to a Athora company, including your name, address, gender, date of birth or age. 
  • Data you shared with us, including your social media profile.
  • Information gathered at the time when you purchased a Athora product or service, such as the type and term of your insurance policies.
  • Data gathered through your interaction with a Athora company, for example when contacting our customer service. 
  • Data about your use of and interaction with our digital media, such as our website and apps, emails and social media. This data may include your IP address, cookies, websites you visit, or information about the equipment you use.

We send our messages via various digital channels, such as e-mail, apps, social media and your personal Athora account.

For more information see the Privacy Statement and Cookie Statement.

If you no longer wish to receive messages with offers or news about Athora or any of the providers listed below, then you can easily unsubscribe at any time. You can do so, for example, by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the message.

Athora Netherlands N.V. 

Athora Netherlands N.V. has a number of subsidiaries, including: 

  • SRLEV N.V.: provides term life and pension insurance as well as unit-linked policies (among other things) and provides financial services under the names Zwitserleven and Reaal.