Zwitserleven tops VBDO's sustainability ranking for 2nd time in a row
As in 2021, Zwitserleven, as part of Athora Netherlands, has once again achieved first place in the benchmark 'Responsible Investment by Insurers in the Netherlands' with a score of 4.5 out of 5. The Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) presents this survey every two years, comparing the sustainable investment policies of Dutch insurers in four areas: governance, policy, implementation and transparency.
Jan de Pooter, Chief Executive Officer of Athora Netherlands: "Sustainability is an integral part of Athora Netherlands' strategy and investment policy. I am therefore proud that this is recognised by VBDO in their benchmark. It is only an additional encouragement for us to continue using our expertise for this purpose. I also find it very positive that as an insurance sector we continue to make good progress together on sustainability. This is all the more important given the major climate challenges we all face."
Real World Impact
Our sustainable investment policy focuses on making a positive impact on the real economy and the real world (the principle of real world impact). We do this by investing in companies (and governments) that are already developing sustainable economic activities today but also in companies that are important for the transition to a sustainable society and economy.
Moreover, VBDO sees that Athora Netherlands is well on its way to making the real world impact of its investments transparent. This year, for instance, we have taken steps with our strategic partner Cardano in the field of geo spatial data. This makes it possible, for example, to identify which companies in our portfolio are present in areas with a high risk of extreme drought or areas with vulnerable biodiversity.
About VBDO
VBDO is the Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development. Since its establishment in 1995, VBDO has been working towards a more sustainable and responsible capital market, convinced that this will lead to a healthier and more just world.
As an independent association, VBDO is a passionate booster, motivator and knowledge leader for responsible investment among financial institutions and sustainable business practices among listed companies.
Its members consist of institutional and private investors, as well as a number of leading non-governmental organisations. VBDO thus represents over 80% of the assets invested by Dutch investors and is seen as an important and respected discussion partner for the media and politics, among others.
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