We might like to complain about it, but this is not entirely justified. Indeed, the Dutch pension system has been rated the best in the world, according to research by US consultancy firm Mercer and investor organisation the CFA Institute. Yet how our pension is arranged in the Netherlands is about to change.
Netherlands scores well on all measures
The researchers considered 47 pension schemes worldwide that collectively serve 64% of the world's population. They were assessed on three measures:
• Adequacy: is the pension enough to make ends meet?
• Sustainability: is there enough money to pay pensions to pensioners now, but also in the future?
• Integrity: how fair and transparent is the pension system?
The Netherlands has always been one of the best-scoring countries, and was again in the lead in 2023. According to the researchers, the level of pensions is adequate, as is the supervision of the sector and the investments the funds make. The Netherlands is closely followed by Iceland and Denmark. The researchers give all three of these countries A status. That means we have a first-class pension system. The Netherlands should be proud of this.
The Dutch pension rules are changing
We are proud of the Dutch pension system. But we also see that change is needed. Indeed, a lot has changed in our society in recent years. So it is important that our pension arrangements in the Netherlands keep pace with this change. For employees participating in a pension scheme, how our pension is arranged will become more transparent and more personal. Instead of a collective pension pot, there will be individual pots in most cases. This will give more choice when you retire and allow you to shape your own financial future. This is something Zwitserleven strongly supports.
Our commitment to a carefree future
For more than 120 years, our commitment to providing a carefree future has continued every day. That will not change. You can count on us, now and later. We offer simple and accessible products and services to give you a comfortable feeling that the arrangements you have made are adequate. And we are looking at new options and types of pension to suit each generation.
The new Pensions Act will make it possible for pensions to be more personal and transparent. Zwitserleven stands for transparent pension products that take account of your personal wishes, where you shape your financial future in a focused way. Let this be exactly what the new pension agreement aims to achieve.
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