Internet Security.

Zwitserleven believes that the internet should be secure to use. That is why we make every effort to protect and secure the data you share with us via the internet. You can also take individual measures to secure your use of the internet. Together we make sure that your data is and remains protected.

Can we help you?

Are you unsure whether a website or e-mail comes from Zwitserleven? Have you discovered a (possible) weak spot in our online services? Or have you had access to information from Zwitserleven that was not intended for you? If so, please contact us at

What does Zwitserleven do for internet security?


We make sure that the use of our websites is as secure as possible. The security of our websites is regularly tested by security experts and any developments in the field of security are carefully monitored. In this way, we ensure our websites are always protected by means of adequate security methods and techniques.

Secure connection

The connection to our website is secure. Secure connections can be recognised by the padlock with security certificate and the https:// in your browser's address bar.


Our website can be clearly recognised and the internet address (the URL) does not contain any spelling errors. Check that the URL starts with: