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On this site, Zwitserleven aims to inform you, as a visitor, about Zwitserleven products. The information it contains is of a general nature and does not address the circumstances of any specific person or company. The information is not expert advice. The information is not necessarily complete, accurate or up to date. Zwitserleven makes every endeavour to keep the information up to date and accurate at all times. It will try to correct any inaccuracies found to the greatest possible extent. Zwitserleven may change this information without further notice. 

However, Zwitserleven accepts no responsibility or liability for any incomplete or inaccurate information and/or printing errors and any consequences stemming from it. 

Neither is Zwitserleven responsible for any action taken in response to the product information without expert advice.
In guiding you choosing, we limit ourselves to the data and information about your pension scheme that we administer. Other circumstances may influence your choice. Therefore please consider seeking advice. An adviser can assess your entire situation and help you in making the most appropriate choice.

Zwitserleven is not liable for information provided by any third parties referred to on this site.

Zwitserleven tries to avoid interruptions due to technical faults as much as possible. Zwitserleven is not liable for problems or any damage resulting from these errors following the use of this site and/or any other associated third-party sites.


All rights reserved. The content of this site may not be copied or otherwise made available, reproduced, or published without the written permission of Zwitserleven. The information on this site may only be viewed, stored, printed and distributed for non-commercial private purposes for the sole purpose of providing information about Zwitserleven. Distribution is subject to the conditions that no changes are made to the content and that the disclaimer and copyright statement are added. Zwitserleven retains all intellectual property rights relating to Zwitserleven, this website and the information displayed on it. 

Zwitserleven, this site and the disclaimer are governed by Dutch law.