About to retire

Transfer pension capital

You can transfer pension pots you've built up with other pension providers to Zwitserleven when you retire.

Strandopgang Nederland duinen

How can I consolidate all my pensions into one policy?

You can consolidate pension pots from other providers into a single plan with Zwitserleven when you retire. This simplifies your finances, giving you one policy to manage and only one set of policy fees to pay. Find out how it works below.

This is what you need to know

With some pension pots you've accrued with other pension providers, you purchase one pension income just before your retirement date. There are some conditions attached to this. Let's discuss them here:

Lieke, 65 years old

“I had so many different pension pots everywhere, I could no longer see the forest for the trees. Fortunately, I was able to put them all together in one policy and now have them in one easy overview..."