About to retire
With the Zwitserleven Fixed Pension, you receive the same amount of pension income every month for as long as you live.
With the pension capital you've accrued, you'll purchase a pension. At Zwitserleven, you can expect an attractive pension income. With Zwitserleven Fixed Pension, you receive the same amount of pension income every month for as long as you live.
With your accumulated pension capital, you purchase your pension. The higher your pension capital, the more pension income you can expect.
Fixed pension income per month.
A Zwitserleven Fixed Pension ensures that your accumulated pension capital is converted into a lifelong pension income.
Partner’s pension
Your partner will receive the 'standard partner's pension' of 70% if you pass away. If you don't have a partner, or if your partner has a substantial income, for instance, you can buy additional pension for yourself.
Temporary higher pension
For example, do you still have mortgage payments or children in education? You can choose to receive a higher pension income in the early years, and a lower one later on.
A Fixed Pension may suit you if:
Does this not really suit you?
You can also opt for a variable pension income, or a mix of fixed and variable pension. In that case, you opt for the Zwitserleven Variable Pension. This means you continue to invest with (a part of) your pension capital. As a result, you have the potential for a higher pension income, but also the risk of a lower pension income.
You can tailor your retirement income to fit your personal desires and circumstances. For instance, do you want to delay your pension until you reach the state pension age? Or perhaps you prefer a higher pension in the early years? Below is a brief explanation of the various options available to you.
You might choose to keep working longer and not need the income just yet. Or you might want your pension income to start at the same time as your state pension. If you're looking to retire before your pension kicks in, you can bring it forward. Thinking of retiring later? Then you can postpone your pension. Make sure to indicate this choice before your pension capital is released.
Advancing Retirement: Investment Risk Increases
You are investing in a lifecycle fund. In this type of fund, the investment risk is gradually reduced as your retirement date approaches. If you choose to advance your retirement date, the investment mix does not change accordingly. The allocation across the investment funds always remains based on the distribution that corresponds to your original retirement target date. The investment risk is not reduced more quickly. Therefore, if you wish to retire earlier, you will face a higher investment risk compared to the situation where you start your retirement on the target date.
Do you have a partner? You can opt for your partner to receive a lifelong pension after your death. Your partner can receive up to 70% of your pension. If you don't have a partner, or if your partner has their own income, you might choose not to take out a partner's pension. This will result in a higher pension income for yourself. However, your partner must agree to this arrangement.
The Lump Sum Act allows you to withdraw up to 10% of your pension capital in one go when you retire. This option is quite appealing. The main advantage of taking a lump sum is the flexibility it offers you upon retirement. After taxes, you can spend this money however you wish. For instance, you could renovate your home, pay off a portion of your mortgage, or take the trip of a lifetime.
Learn more about withdrawing a lump sum.
Do you still have mortgage payments, or are you planning to travel the world or need to cover a period without state pension benefits? In that case, you can opt for a Temporary Higher Pension Income with Zwitserleven Vast Pensioen. This can be for a maximum of 10 years.
Learn more about a temporary higher pension.
Barend, 66 years old
"I opted for the security of a fixed pension. No stress or hassle for me. Just a set amount every month, so I know what to expect..."